Jessica Gunning’s Top TV Shows: A Must-Watch Guide

Jessica Gunning shines in many TV shows, from scary thrillers to funny sitcoms. She’s known for her ability to bring different characters to life. We’ll look at her best TV roles and the awards she’s won1.

tv shows with jessica gunning

Key Takeaways

  • Jessica Gunning is a versatile actress known for her standout performances in a variety of acclaimed television shows.
  • She has appeared in popular shows like “Doctor Who,” “The Outlaws,” “Back,” and “Law & Order: UK”.
  • Gunning has played complex and nuanced characters, showcasing her acting range and versatility.
  • Her role in the Netflix series “Baby Reindeer” has received critical acclaim for her chilling performance.
  • Gunning’s filmography includes a mix of genres, from psychological thrillers to beloved sitcoms, demonstrating her versatility as an actress.

Introducing Jessica Gunning: A Versatile Actress

Born in 1986 in Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, England, Jessica Gunning shines in the acting world. She started her career with roles on British TV like Law & Order: UK and What Remains. People loved her from the start for her captivating acting2.

Early Life and Career Beginnings

Jessica Gunning comes from Yorkshire. She quickly became known for her many acting roles, impressing everyone. Her talent led her to become a favorite in TV and movies2.

Notable Acting Credits and Accolades

Jessica Gunning has won awards and nominations for her acting. Shows like Baby Reindeer, Pride, and Back show how talented she is. Her skill in acting has made her widely admired2.

She’s great in crime dramas and comedies, proving her wide range. Jessica Gunning is always in demand in the acting world because of her talent2.

“Jessica Gunning is a true chameleon on screen, effortlessly transitioning between complex dramatic roles and scene-stealing comedic performances. Her versatility and emotional depth make her a captivating and must-watch talent.”

Jessica Gunning keeps winning hearts with her acting. Fans love her more and more as she keeps showing her skills on TV and in movies2.

jessica gunning

tv shows with jessica gunning

Jessica Gunning is a well-known face on TV. She shines in many favorite shows. Her roles vary from the Netflix hit Baby Reindeer to the award-loved Pride3.

Baby Reindeer: A Chilling Performance

In Baby Reindeer, Jessica played a dark character named Martha. Martha’s obsession with a character named Richard Gadd was deep and troubling. Critics loved Jessica’s ability to show Martha’s twisted mind3.

Pride: Acclaimed LGBTQ+ Drama

In the popular film Pride, Jessica’s acting was praised. The movie tells the story of the Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners group in the 1980s. Her role in this LGBTQ+ drama shows her skill at creating interesting characters3.

jessica gunning tv shows

“Jessica Gunning’s performances in Baby Reindeer and Pride are a testament to her remarkable talent and versatility as an actress. She effortlessly transitions between chilling intensity and heartfelt emotion, captivating audiences with her dynamic on-screen presence.”

Jessica Gunning impresses us with each TV role she takes on. Whether it’s in Baby Reindeer or Pride, she shows true acting skill. Her work is loved by those who watch her worldwide3.

Jessica Gunning’s Comedic Prowess

Jessica Gunning wows both in drama and comedy. You’ve seen her excel in the hilarious Back series. She was the sharp Jan, a barmaid, deftly mixing laughs with the show’s serious bits. This made her shine as a versatile actor4.

She switches roles with ease, moving from serious to funny. Her role in Back was a hit, praised for its layers of humor and sadness5.

Back: David Mitchell’s Beloved Sitcom

Back is David Mitchell’s gem about returning home. When a man faces his past, Jan’s character offers laughs amidst tough times. This mix was key to the show’s charm45.

The show digs deep into family and personal identity. Critics loved Gunning for adding both laughs and heart to the story6.

jessica gunning in back

Her role in Back has really showcased her talent. Jan stands out, making the show a big hit. Now, Jessica Gunning is known far and wide for her expert work in TV comedy546.

Crime Dramas Featuring Jessica Gunning

Jessica Gunning has amazed viewers in many TV crime dramas. She shone in the BBC’s What Remains. Also, she played in the UK’s Law & Order, truly showcasing her talent. As a police receptionist, she showed versatility and depth in her acting7.

What Remains: Gripping BBC Thriller

In What Remains, Jessica Gunning was Melissa Young, a character around a mysterious death. Her deep and emotional acting got her a lot of praise. It proved she is not only versatile but also truly skilled as an actress7.

Law and Order: UK

Gunning’s performance in the UK’s Law & Order was no less brilliant. Here, she took on the role of a police receptionist. Even in a supporting part, she added realness and complexity to the show7.

From major roles in suspenseful thrillers to key parts in crime procedurals, Jessica Gunning shines. She has won over fans and critics alike. Her talent and versatility have made her a standout in crime dramas7.

jessica gunning crime dramas

In shows like What Remains and Law & Order: UK, Gunning has been widely praised. She brings layers, emotion, and authenticity to her work. This has earned her a well-deserved place as one of the best in the field today7.

“Jessica Gunning’s performances in crime dramas like What Remains and Law & Order: UK have consistently been praised for their intensity, complexity, and unwavering commitment to the material.”

Jessica Gunning is set to stay a top name in TV crime dramas. With her broad range and outstanding skill, she keeps people captivated. Her work continues to be in high demand, and rightly so7.]

Versatility: From Crime to Comedy

Jessica Gunning wows us with her acting skills, moving easily from dark crime shows to fun comedies8. A perfect example is her role in the popular series Inside No. 9. In the episode “La Couchette,” she showed us her unique talent8. Gunning’s ability to play such different roles has made her stand out as an actress who can do it all8. This shows how she can be anyone, in various kinds of shows8. She truly is a star in many roles8.

In Inside No. 9, Gunning plays a character unlike any other, proving she can do both serious and funny parts8. This series is known for its twists and turns, offering Jessica a chance to really show her range8. Her work in the episode “La Couchette” was praised by many. Critics loved how she grabbed the viewers’ attention and brought her character to life with depth8.

Gunning’s talent reaches far beyond Inside No. 9. She has made her mark in a wide variety of shows8. From the serious What Remains to the fun Back, she has proven she can do it all8. This skill at handling different types of shows and characters has made her a respected name in the acting world8. She is definitely someone worth watching in the entertainment business.

Jessica Gunning versatile roles

“Jessica Gunning’s performance in ‘Inside No. 9’ was a true standout, showcasing her remarkable range and ability to captivate audiences with her nuanced portrayal of a complex character.”

Inside No. 9: Anthology Series

Jessica Gunning really shines in Inside No. 9, showing off her many talents8. The show is known for its twisty plots, giving her a chance to play different roles8. In the episode “La Couchette,” she really captured viewers with her detailed, unique character8. Her deep and intricate acting shows she’s more than ready for any role8.

Gunning’s time in Inside No. 9 has made her even more admired in the acting world8. She proves she can handle a wide range of characters, no matter the genre8. Her work in the anthology series has sealed her growing reputation as an outstanding and diverse performer8. She keeps us all watching with her detailed and rich roles8.

Jessica Gunning’s Standout Roles

Jessica Gunning has had many unforgettable moments during her acting career. Her work has shown everyone just how skilled and versatile she is. One of these memorable roles was Diane Pemberley in the BBC hit, The Outlaws91011.

In the much-loved The Outlaws series from 2021, Gunning really shone as Diane. Fans and critics loved her performance11. She managed to make Diane a real person, mixing funny moments with deep ones. This showed off Gunning’s talent and how much she cares about her roles10.

Even before The Outlaws, Gunning was already making a name for herself in TV. She appeared in big shows like Doctor Who and Holby City, as well as Life of Riley. Her ability to switch between serious and funny roles made her stand out even more910.

In 2024, Gunning impressed everyone in the Netflix hit, Baby Reindeer. Critics loved her role as Martha, a character with many layers10. This performance showed that Gunning is an expert at playing interesting and complex characters, no matter the story.

Gunning’s work in The Outlaws and Baby Reindeer really made audiences see her in a new light. She is now seen as one of the best actresses in TV today. Her talent for making characters feel real has won her many fans and the respect of her colleagues. Everyone can’t wait to see what she does next10.

jessica gunning in the outlaws

Beyond the Screen: Jessica Gunning’s Impact

Jessica Gunning goes beyond just acting on screen. She’s known for her amazing work that inspires others. Her performances show a wide range of characters in a detailed way12.

She’s well-known and praised for her TV work. Gunning’s roles, like in “Baby Reindeer,” stand out. She’s shown her skill in both serious dramas and fun sitcoms1314.

Her dedication and choice of roles have a deep meaning in the industry. She shares stories that matter, touching on important social topics. Gunning uses acting to make people feel and understand more13.

Gunning does more than act, though. She guides those wanting to act, teaching them what she knows. Many others in the field thank her for her guidance and the way her work inspires them14.

As Gunning keeps delighting viewers, her influence only grows. She’s changing TV, both with her roles and her guidance, setting a great example for others in the field. Her work will be remembered for a long time14.

jessica gunning impact

Upcoming Projects and Future Prospects

Jessica Gunning’s work always captures her audience’s hearts. They are excited to see her new projects and where her career goes next15. With almost twenty years in the industry, she’s shown she can do it all. From heart-wrenching dramas to belly-aching comedies, she shines in every role16.

In her latest role as Martha in “Baby Reindeer,” she tackled a tough issue with grace15. The show looks at sexual assault in a very real way. Both the fans and the experts loved how she brought Martha to life17.

Hitting her peak, Gunning’s future looks bright with new, challenging projects15. Her skills and dedication show she’s only getting started. Fans should get ready to see more amazing work from her16.

Whether it’s a dark detective story, a deep dive into a character, or a laugh-out-loud comedy, Gunning always draws us in16. She’s not stopping. Her fans will be treated to many more great roles. It’s an exciting time for this talented actress15.

jessica gunning future prospects

“I’m always looking for roles that challenge me and allow me to explore the nuances of the human experience. That’s what drives me as an artist, and I’m excited to continue that journey in the years to come.”
– Jessica Gunning


Jessica Gunning’s career shines with her talent and hard work18. Her role in Baby Reindeer made her famous fast. Many think she could win an Emmy soon18. In the comedy Back, she shows a different side, making fans love her even more18. Her skill to act in any kind of show proves she’s top-notch in the acting world18.

Baby Reindeer hit the No. 1 spot on Netflix and grabbed a big audience19. The story features Martha, whose acting was so good that people can’t stop talking about it20.

As Gunning keeps taking on new, tough roles, we can’t wait to see more. No matter the story, she brings something special to the role, making the show better. She’s already well-loved in the acting world, and she’s only getting started18.


What are some of the notable TV shows that Jessica Gunning has appeared in?

Jessica Gunning shines in a range of top TV shows. Notably, she starred in “Baby Reindeer,” a dark Netflix series. She also acted in the heartwarming movie “Pride” and the funny “Back.” Her career includes the thrilling “What Remains” and the British “Law & Order: UK.”

How has Jessica Gunning demonstrated her versatility as an actress?

Gunning’s talent spans diverse genres like gritty crime and beloved comedies. She brings characters to life with deep skill. This has won her praise and a big group of fans.

What are some of the awards and nominations that Jessica Gunning has received for her work?

During her career, Gunning has won several awards and nominations. These recognize her as a standout actress. Her roles in “Baby Reindeer” and “Pride” were especially acclaimed.

How has Jessica Gunning’s work impacted the entertainment industry?

More than acting, Gunning has uplifted the entertainment world with her skill and choices. Her different roles and ability to engage people stand out. This has earned her widespread respect. She motivates other actors too.

What can fans expect from Jessica Gunning’s upcoming projects?

Gunning’s upcoming work excites her fans. Her past shows and films show her talent. Fans look forward to her future roles. She’s ready for more versatile and challenging characters.

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